Whole-Body MRI Screening
While there are no reliable means of preventing the occurrence of cancer, we can often increase an individual’s chances of a cure by detecting the occurrence at an early stage. This is why we use whole-body MRI to scan the bodies of our patients for the presence of tumors, metastases, inflammation and other types of pathological tissue change.
Indications for Whole-Body MRI
- Patients who wish to taken an early-detection-and-prevention approach to their health
- Patients who have a family history of certain diseases
- Patients who have known risk factors
- Patients who have (non-specific) symptoms
- Patients who wish to rule out a specific disease
Scope of the Whole-body MRI Exam
- Comprehensive preliminary consultation, including medical history
- Analysis of personal risk profile
- Recording and analysis of any diseases and (nonspecific) symptoms
- Examination includes:
- Head and carotid arteries
- Neck and chest
- Abdominal and pelvic organs: liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands and urinary bladder
- Expressly for women: uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes
- Expressly for men: seminal vesicles and prostate, including PSA test
- Lymph nodes
- Entire spine
- Joints and soft-tissue structures: exploratory examination of the shoulders, hips, knees and ankles
- For technical reasons, the scope of the examination does not include the heart, the breasts and the colon.
- Optional: fecal occult blood test
- Comprehensive post-examination consultation
- Written report summarizing the examination results and including a recommendation for further action
Preparing for Your Exam
- Please appear at least 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment.
- You may take your medication as accustomed.
Exam Duration
- Your exam will last for around 2 hours.
A Matter of Safety
- MRI scans make use of a strong magnetic field. For this reason, please bear in mind the following restrictions:
- Patients with a cardiac pacemaker, a defibrillator, an artificial heart valve made of metal and/or an insulin pump are not allowed to undergo the MRI scan.
- Patients who have undergone surgery for the placement of a medical device that is at least partly made of metal (including cochlear implants, artificial joints, intramedullary nails, vascular clips, cardiac stents, metal clips and metal plates, but not including dental inlays) must wait at least 6 weeks before undergoing the MRI scan.
- Please notify our medical staff in advance if you suffer from impaired kidney function.
- Please bring any related medical reports with you to your appointment.
Including consultation and medical report, materials: EUR 1,200