Prostate Cancer Screening
Men tend to remain blissfully ignorant of their prostate until they enter middle age, a time at which the incidence of prostate disease begins to increase significantly. Typical first encounters with the prostate include symptoms such as a diminished urinary-flow rate or a more frequent urge to urinate.
Prostate cancer screening in the form of prostate MRI is recommended for all men who are interested in early detection and prevention as the best approach to prostate health.
Multiparametric MRI of the Prostate
- Comprehensive preliminary consultation, including medical history
- Analysis of personal risk profile
- Recording and analysis of any diseases and (nonspecific) symptoms
- Examination includes:
- Scanning for signs of benign, malignant and inflammatory changes in the prostate
- Evaluation of the organs in the pelvic region
- Determining whether any cancer might have spread to the pelvic lymph nodes
- Examination of the bony structures in the pelvis
- Evaluation of PSA levels (or PSA development), free and complexed PSA, free-to-total PSA ratio, inflammation parameters, complete blood count
- Comprehensive post-examination consultation
- Written report summarizing the examination results and including a recommendation for further action
Preparing for Your Exam
Starting 5 days before your appointment:
- Refrain from sexual intercourse.
- Refrain from playing any sports that could exert pressure on your prostate (e.g. bicycling or horseback riding).
Starting 1 day before your appointment:
- Refrain from eating any more than light food between your dinner and your appointment. Also refrain from eating fiber-rich or potentially bloating food.
On the day of your appointment
- Make sure to eat something light 1 hour before your appointment.
- Make sure to drink a sufficient amount of water (approx. 1 liter). Tea and coffee are also allowed.
- Refrain from applying any personal-care creams, lotions or ointments to anywhere in the entire buttocks and pelvic region. This also applies to testosterone gel.
- You may take your medication as accustomed.
- Please appear at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment.
Exam Duration
Your exam will last for around 2 hours.
A Matter of Safety
- MRI scans make use of a strong magnetic field. This means:
- You may not undergo the examination if you have a cardiac pacemaker, a defibrillator, an artificial heart valve made of metal and/or an insulin pump.
- Patients who have undergone surgery for the placement of a medical device that is at least partly made of metal (including cochlear implants, artificial joints, intramedullary nails, vascular clips, cardiac stents, metal clips and metal plates, but not including dental inlays) must wait at least 6 weeks before undergoing an MRI scan.
- Please confer with our medical staff if you suffer from impaired kidney function.
- Please bring any related PSA test results or medical reports with you to your appointment.
Including consultation and medical report: EUR 945