
A Note about Our Terms of Payment

Please note that our medical services are to be paid for directly by the patients who avail themselves of the services. Patients are requested to bear in mind that their health-insurance providers might not reimburse them for the provided services.

Contact Form

We make use of your personal data for the exclusive purpose of arranging an appointment and providing continuing patient support. All of the personal data made available to us are processed in accordance with the provisions outlined in the German Data Protection Act until and unless permission to do so has been recalled by our patients.

Wir verwenden Ihre personenbezogenen Daten ausschließlich zur Durchführung des Termins. Alle personenbezogenen Daten werden im Rahmen der Bestimmungen des Datenschutzrechts der Bundesrepublik Deutschland von uns bis auf Widerruf gespeichert und verarbeitet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung.

Wij gebruiken uw persoonlijke gegevens uitsluitend voor de uitvoering van de afspraak en voor de verzorging van de klantrelatie. Alle persoonlijke gegevens worden door ons opgeslagen en verwerkt in het kader van de bepalingen van de wet op de gegevensbescherming van de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland tot de intrekking ervan.

Make an Appointment by Phone

If you would like to make an appointment by phone, simply call us at one of the following numbers: +49(0)521 260 555 44 (Bielefeld); +49(0)30 814 501 8118 (Berlin), +49(0)69 677 01 63 54 (Frankfurt); or +49(0)221 88848033 (Cologne).

Make an Evening or Saturday Appointment

We give our patients an opportunity to schedule their appointments for times that are outside our standard office hours.

Patients whose work commitments prevent them from visiting the ALTA Klinik on weekdays can arrange an appointment during the evening or on a Saturday. If you cannot make it for an appointment during our normal business hours, please call us in advance to find about an evening or Saturday appointment.